I also feel and see the signs of the second coming, especially after the third temple is built ushering in the Messianic Era: Many Jews believe that the rebuilding of the Temple will coincide with the coming of the Messiah, ushering in an era of peace and divine justice. This belief is a central theme in Jewish eschatology.
In Israel’s Parliament, the status-quo has been to leave the question of sovereignty of the Temple Mount off the table, but attitudes are changing and in the Knesset, politicians are now openly talking about building the Jewish Temple. While the official policy of Israel is to leave the issue alone, the importance of the Temple was reiterated when Israel’s Prime Minister celebrated the opening of the American Embassy in Jerusalem in 2018, as he spoke of the role of the Jewish Temple in Israel’s history.

Many believers are excited at the possibility of the Jewish Temple being rebuilt. There are some problems with this however…
- Though God gave instructions by the prophets of Israel, for building the first and second temples, there are no such instructions for a third.
- The fact that both the first and second temples were destroyed on the same calendar day 500 years apart, points to the fact that it was God who made their destruction possible.
So, if the building of both the first and second temples was at God’s express instruction, and if the destroying of both the first and second temples was because of God’s clear permission, who are we or anyone else to take it upon ourselves to rebuild it a third time without God’s instruction?
Existence of a Third Temple Will Portend the “Time of Jacob’s Trouble” is Near!
The world as it will be during the last days, as depicted in the Bible reveals that a 3rd temple will actually be standing at that time. Because of this, many Christians would love to see the temple rebuilt.
But if we read carefully we see no blessing of God upon such a third temple. Instead, the third temple in Scripture will become the center of what Scripture calls “The Abomination that Causes Desolation”. In other words the third temple becomes the opportune location for the world’s last and greatest Antichrist to establish the cult of worship of himself. Shalom/Peace
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