Spiritual Bureau of Investigation Forum
Southern Baptist Re-Elect the Witch
Southern Baptists, 666, and Their Blind Loyalty to the Lawless One
Southern Baptists love to preach about the mark of the beast and warn against deception in the last days. They claim to stand for righteousness, law, and order, yet when confronted with their own hypocrisy, they double down on lawlessness—just like the one they have chosen to follow.
For years, they have cried out against moral decay, yet they cheer for a man who embodies corruption, deceit, and rebellion. They scream about the importance of biblical values while excusing open sin, dishonesty, and tyranny. If the Antichrist is described as the lawless one in Scripture (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4), how ironic is it that Southern Baptists are some of the biggest supporters of lawlessness today?
They rally behind "Re-Elect the Witch" without a second thought. The name itself is almost too fitting—Mata, Latin for "witch," embedded in the very identity of the one they claim is their political savior. How foolish can they be? They claim to be spiritually discerning, yet they are blind. They warn others about the beast, yet they run into his arms with open hands, waving their Bibles in one hand and their flags in the other.
Southern Baptists have become the very thing they claim to fight against—lawless, deceived, and enslaved to the world’s system. Their faith is not in Yeshua but in power, money, and nationalism. They are not resisting the beast—they are welcoming him.
"You will know them by their fruits." And the fruit of Southern Baptists today? Rotten to the core.
How long will they refuse to wake up? How long will they continue worshiping the beast while claiming to serve God?
The clock is ticking. Judgment begins in the house of God.
What do you think? Let’s hear it in the comments below.
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