Abraham Isaac and Jacob

Textual Timeline of Jewish History 1. The Patriarchs (c. 2000 BCE – 1500 BCE): 2. Exodus and Sinai (c. 1500 BCE – 1200 BCE): 3. Kingdom of Israel and Judah (c. 1000 BCE – 586 BCE): 4. Babylonian Exile (586 BCE – 538 BCE): 5. Second Temple Period (538 BCE – 70 CE): 6. Roman … Read more

Elohim: The Fusion of Hidden and Revealed in Kabbalah


The rich tapestry of Kabbalistic thought offers deep insights into the nature of the divine, often blending the abstract with the mystical. One of the most intriguing aspects of this mystical tradition is the exploration of the divine name Elohim (אֱלוֹהִים) and how it embodies both the hidden and revealed aspects of God. The interplay between the words “Mi” (מי), meaning “who,” and “Eleh” (אלה), meaning “these,” forms a central motif in understanding the divine nature, creation, and humanity’s relationship to God.