America Under Attack

The Rise and Fall of Religious Integrity

A Brief History of Religion in America and Its Impact on the Idea of America Under Attack

From its founding, America has been deeply intertwined with religious ideals. Early settlers sought religious freedom, yet paradoxically, many established rigid theocratic communities. Over time, Protestant Christianity dominated the nation’s spiritual landscape, with denominations like the Baptists, Methodists, and Presbyterians shaping its moral and social fabric. By the mid-20th century, America saw a surge in evangelical fervor, leading to the formation of the Moral Majority Movement in the 1970s and 80s.

America Under Attack: The intersection of faith and politics has put the nation at risk, with various religious factions manipulating beliefs for power.

The Moral Majority Movement and Its Political Agenda

The Moral Majority Movement exemplifies how America is under attack from within, as it intertwines political agendas with religious teachings.

The Moral Majority, founded by televangelist Jerry Falwell in 1979, sought to mobilize conservative Christians as a political force. This movement aligned religious belief with conservative Republican politics, advocating for anti-abortion laws, opposition to LGBTQ+ rights, and an emphasis on “traditional family values.” While it claimed to uphold moral righteousness, it often masked a deeper agenda—gaining political control by manipulating faith-driven voters.

As the Southern Baptist Convention grew, the concept of America Under Attack from within became more evident, showcasing how faith can be politicized.

Examining the SBC’s origins reveals how America is under attack by ideologies that have historically justified injustice and division.

The Rise of the SBC

One of the most powerful religious bodies to emerge alongside the Moral Majority was the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). Initially a small sect, the Southern Baptists expanded aggressively in the 20th century, becoming the largest Protestant denomination in America. Their influence grew in the 1970s and 80s as they embraced fundamentalist theology, emphasizing biblical literalism, patriarchal authority, and an uncompromising stance on social issues.

The Dark Origins of the SBC

False teachings within the SBC illustrate the broader theme of America Under Attack, challenging the core values of faith and integrity.

As America stands at a crossroads, the current political landscape underscores the notion of America Under Attack, driven by the misalignment of faith and politics.

The Southern Baptist Convention was established in 1845 in Augusta, Georgia, as a direct response to the growing national divide over slavery. Unlike Northern Baptists, who began advocating for abolition, Southern Baptists defended slavery, insisting it was biblically justified. The founders—white slave owners and pro-slavery theologians—built the denomination on the moral corruption of human bondage, asserting that enslaved people were divinely destined to serve.

Even after slavery ended, the SBC remained deeply entangled with racism, opposing civil rights movements and maintaining segregationist views well into the 20th century. Though the organization has issued apologies for its past, its fundamentalist roots continue to shape its ideology.

In this context, the SBC’s actions signify a larger trend of America Under Attack, as communities grapple with compromised spiritual leadership.

America Under Attack from within is a theme echoed throughout history, emphasizing the need for true accountability in faith communities.

The narrative of America Under Attack persists as we witness the growing chasm between religious beliefs and ethical governance.

To combat this America Under Attack, we must advocate for a faith that prioritizes Christ’s teachings over political ambition.

Ultimately, reclaiming the integrity of faith is essential to address the challenges of America Under Attack and restore spiritual authenticity.

False Teachers and the Corruption of Faith

Yeshua warned of false teachers who would exploit faith for personal and political gain. The Southern Baptist Convention, with its history of racial injustice, political entanglements, and doctrinal rigidity, has strayed far from the teachings of Christ. Rather than preaching love, justice, and humility, it has embraced power, control, and exclusion.

The SBC’s alliance with the Republican Party has turned churches into political battlegrounds. Pastors who once focused on spiritual growth now use pulpits to push partisan agendas. Their unwavering support for controversial figures, often ignoring Christ’s call to righteousness, exposes their hypocrisy. Instead of standing against oppression, they endorse policies that harm the marginalized, immigrants, and the poor.

The Cult of Trump: How the SBC Lost Its Way

Perhaps the most glaring sign of the SBC’s fall into cult-like behavior is its relentless support for Donald Trump. The election and re-election campaigns of Trump have revealed the denomination’s deep departure from biblical integrity. Despite his well-documented history of immorality, deceit, and divisiveness, Southern Baptist leaders exalted Trump as a divinely appointed leader.

Donald Trump

This blind allegiance mirrors the characteristics of a cult—where faith in a flawed human leader overshadows adherence to truth. By placing Trump above biblical values, the SBC has exposed itself as a political machine rather than a spiritual institution. Instead of holding leaders accountable, they excuse corruption, lie for power, and silence dissenting voices within their own ranks.

America Under Attack from Within

The greatest threat to America is not from foreign adversaries but from within—from religious institutions that distort faith for political gain. The Southern Baptist Convention and other evangelical groups have led millions astray, convincing them that faith and nationalism are one and the same.

As people of faith, we must reject false teachings and return to the true message of Christ—a message of love, justice, and humility. America is under attack, not from secularism or liberalism, but from a Christianity that has abandoned Christ. The call is clear: it is time to wake up, speak out, and reclaim faith from those who have turned it into an instrument of power.



To save yourself from the Donald Trump cult, you must flee the Southern Baptist churches and organizations and American man made religions. Their political manipulation, moral corruption, and idolization of a worldly leader have turned them into an entity far removed from the teachings of Yeshua. Seek a faith that upholds truth, love, and justice—one that does not compromise its values for political power. Only then can we truly reclaim the spiritual integrity that has been lost. Shalom

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